Earthing your Energizer

Best Practice for installing an Earthing System 

Ensuring the proper functioning of the earth system is essential for maintaining a consistent flow of electricity through the fence, thereby deterring animals or intruders effectively.

Pel underground cable is double insulated galvanised steel or aluminium wire to reduce the risk of voltage leakage. Earth kits, equipped with galvanised rods and clamps ensures effective connection between energizer and earth, maximising fence performance! 

Proper earthing is critical for an electric fence to work efficiently. Poor earthing is one of the most common causes of underperformance.  

There are two key issues that lead to poor earthing: 

  1. Earthing rods may corrode over time, especially in certain soil conditions. This corrosion inhibits the flow of electricity into the ground. Replacing old, corroded rods with new galvanized rods can enhance earthing effectiveness. 
  2. Insufficient number of earthing rods can reduce efficiency. Energizers over 3 joules require at least 3 rods spaced 10 feet apart. More powerful energizers need additional earthing rods, up to 10 rods for more powerful units. Properly spaced earth rods ensure electricity can dissipate properly into the ground. 


Remember the rule to Earthing as simple as 3 – 2 – 1 

  • 3m space between earth stakes 
  • 2m long galvanized earth stakes 
  • 1 continuous length of underground cable to connect the earth 


Earth System Checklist  

  1.  All wires are joined securely 
  2.  Connections to earth rods are secure  
  3.  Earth rods are at least 3m apart  
  4.  Earth rods are at least 2m long 
  5.  There are a sufficient number of earth rods 
  6.  All parts of the earth system are made of the same metal  
  7.  The earth rods are driven deeply into the soil leaving 100mm exposed 
  8.  Earth rods are a minimum of 10m away from buildings or other electrified earth systems, e.g. house mains, underground power, or phone lines